Thursday, April 23, 2015

"Cicirinella" operation

It would appear to be simply my umpteenth nocturnal lone-wolf operation, although it has its own peculiarities: it's the largest I've ever made by myself so far and its mainly impromptu.

It was 6 PM, end of the work day, I left the office, distractly checked the Intel map, saw that my Enlightened faction mates from Livorno and Pisa, a short time earlier, again put up the same operation that worked out pretty well a number of times lately, shouted a "Great work, guys!" in Hangout and went for some quick farming.

I had a couple of errands to do and had little time for Ingress at least before dinner.

After dinner I had go pick up a friend of mine for a bowling night, but I did have some time before that, so I checked the Intel again and, much to my surprise, my faction mates' work was still perfectly up.

"Mmmh", I thought, "maybe I have the keys to add something to it".
And, actually, I did: 2 layers, 17000+ MU, completed at 08:21 PM.

North anchor

East anchor 1

East anchor 2

South anchor 1

South anchor 2

Rosignano Solvay,
entire town incapsulated.
I was pretty happy with the operation itself and for taking a little step toward black Illuminator; so I forgot about it, went to pick up my friend and had a fun time playing a couple of bowling games with her.
Then I drove her back to her place and headed back home; once arrived, I checked the intel and it was still up!
Checkpoint approaching... 3... 2... 1... DING! Midnight!
Green is still everywhere!
Here's an overview of my tiny little operation (bottom, mostly transparent) attached to the much larger one from my faction mates (top, very opaque):

And what about the operation name?
Well, this is mainly improptu too: this December I attended the wedding of a close friend of mine, and at the post-wedding party, among all songs, they played "Cicirinella teneva teneva..." by Tequila and Montepulciano band which I did like a lot; this morning I received a call from that friend, he recalled that song, so I purchased it on Google Play Store and listened to it while driving for this operation.

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